Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog #1

Since technology touches practically every aspect of our lives, it is crucial in the classroom for 21st century learners.  Students need to be proficient and up-to-date with technology to build a foundation for success and to better understand our world.   Educators can use technology to engage students and help them build a 
positive attitude about learning.

Sometimes, I feel concerned about our reliance on technology, especially for communication. Are texting and Facebook chatting causing a lack of social skills?  Although we are more “connected” to the world today, there seems to a sense of disconnect with one another because of the impersonal nature of technology.

Educators should help students be as comfortable communicating in person as they do using technology.  Students must be given many opportunities to build relationships and connect with their peers and teachers through class activities, group work, and discussions. 

Every day, people are bombarded with tons of information, so it is essential for students to master critical thinking skills to sort through it all!  Technology is an excellent tool to help students develop critical thinking skills and be active learners.  For example:
  •  An English class could make a newscast video discussing a literary piece (like Beowulf or The Hunger Games) as if the events are real and happening in the modern world.
  •   An elementary math class could play math games on After all, technology + learning = engaged and happy students! 
  • Students in a social studies class could create “Facebook profiles” about historical figures on your class website.
There are so many ideas that you can access in an instant (Internet!) to help your students (and yourself) become more technologically savvy.  Another amazing tool that is becoming more and more popular in classrooms is the SMART Board.  Kids love using the SMART Board for videos, writing, and much more!  Let us not forget “a teacher’s best friend,” known formally as YouTube.  Showing clips or videos in class can engage students and boost interest!  


  1. I agree that there needs to be a balance between technology and authentic learning experiences. I too find myself worrying about the future of my students and their ability to communicate with one another outside of any technological media. Are we bombarding students with technology without connection to authentic learning experiences? Hopefully there will soon be a balanced technology model, just as with reading, a balanced literacy model was developed. Teachers would then be able to ensure the success of the integration of technology into the curriculum.

    Technology and the internet are such enormous resources for all students (and teachers too!) and, when integrated correctly, all of the positive aspects you mentioned definitely are beneficial to all students! These positives overall do create more engaged students!

  2. I agree with your point about face-to-face communication possibly suffering if most social interaction takes place via Facebook and texting. Your points about creating opportunities for social development, both with and without new technologies are important points. Also, good examples of technology uses to support instruction.

